Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How many wings could a wood chuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck Wings?

As I was reading the news today, I can across an astonishing fact. On Sunday (Superbowl Sunday!!) Americans will eat an average of 1.25 Billion Chicken Wings. 1.25 billion is a rather large number, if you imagine that those wings had to come from somewhere, so at 4 wings per chicken (yes 4...look it up) that's 312.5 million chickens....about 100 times the population of Canada (give or take a few hundred thousand) Or about one chicken for every American Citizen.

Those numbers alone are staggering, but thinking about health (I still do that from time to time) I started to play with the numbers even more. Consider this, at an average of 80 Calories per wing (being extremely conservative, one wing roasted with skin is 98 cals, without is 48 then add sauce) we have a grand total of 100 billion Calories consumed in chicken wings alone.

Consider that 860 calories is the equivalent energy of 1Kwh and it takes 60 of those to light a light bulb for an hour, that many calories consumed in Chicken Wings would get us 1.97 Million hours of light from one light bulb.

More incredible is this, 3500 calories will gain us about one pound (give or take a few hundred) so that's 28.5 million pounds of potential body fat.

To burn that many calories would take

233 Million Hours of Shoveling snow
183 Million Hours of Swimming
300 Million Hours of Walking

If that doesn't sound like excess...I'm not sure what is. Either way, I think I'll skip the wings this year...I just scared myself.

New Blog Post

So it's come to my attention that this blog has been seriously neglected over the last little (large) bit. So to all my screaming fan(s?) I apologise, but let it be known things will be better! I am now blogging mostly on my company website www.pursuitadventure.ca in the adventure talk section! I will of course try to write here as well on less businessy things, but don't hold me responsible if I never do...blame my dog.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Renewed Ideas




There are no ordinary moments; everyone and everything is unique.

Be, Do, Have

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rolling up the Rim - Who really wins?

On my way out to BC for some surprisingly good snowboarding last week, I stopped for a coffee. I brought in my travel mug as I always do and grabbed my coffee. In addition to the coffee I was handed an extra cup...I thought to myself "Isn't this what I'm trying to avoid by bringing my mug?". The employee explained that if I wanted to have a chance to win a prize, the cup was the only option for this promotion. Now, I enjoy this time of year as much as anyone, the anticipation of winning gets me every time! I do however have an issue with the lack of "green" choice for travel cup aficionados!

In a world of corporations going "Green", this was a surprising event.
As one of the biggest users of single-use cups in Canada, an incentive for the nature friendly community would make sense. As consumers it is our decisions that will influence the market-place; If we continually ask for another option to enter into the fun of this promotion, they will have to provide it if they want continued business. Will I return for more coffee? of course I will, but I will also ask for another way to "play the game"!

Needless to say, I did not play the game that day, therefore, the winner was certainly not me. But this time, Nature did not lose either.

So who won?